
Next.js (React), Context API


This site was built using Next.js (React framework) as well as the Context API in order to utilize server-side rendering and to effectively produce global variables to be passed throughout the application.


PHP, Laravel, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS


Built with Laravel and hosted in Heroku (due to using the free version it can take a bit of time to load. Sorry!). This restaurant application lets you reserve seats, contact the restaurant, and utilizes the Google API to visually display a map of the location. This app also has an admin dashboard where you can see employees, offer members, and reservations.


React, Redux, Firebase, CSS


Built with React and hosted with Heroku (due to using the free version it can take a bit of time to load. Sorry!). This application uses Redux to manage the application's state. It also uses firebase because of its super fast and easy set up.